Jaguar Restaurant appreciates your interest in its products and your visit to this website. Your privacy is important to us, and we want you to feel comfortable visiting our site. The protection of your privacy in processing your data is an essential concern to which we pay special attention during our business processes.
When you visit our Websites, our Web server automatically records the name of your internet service provider, the Website from which you visit us, the Websites you actually visit and the date and length of your visit. We do not sell, trade, barter or otherwise disseminate any information about our visitors or advertisers.
Our email list is opt-in and opt-out at the consumer’s request. Email addresses are never harvested or added to our list without the subscriber’s permission. Additional personal data is only stored if volunteered by you, for example, in the context of a registration or a survey. Each time you receive a message, you can decline to receive further notifications relating to Jaguar Restaurant simply by following the unsubscribe instructions in every message. At present, we do not use cookies on our Websites.
Jaguar Restaurant will use your data for the sole purpose of technical administration of the Websites, customer fulfillment and administration, product surveys, and marketing, only to the extent necessary in each specific case. We will only disclose your data to governmental authorities in cases where it is required by law. Our employees and agencies are obliged by us to respect confidentiality.
Our site uses technical and organizational security measures to protect the data we have under our control against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or against access by unauthorized persons.